How to ask for payment from a client

Ryan Forsythe, Content Marketing Specialist, Moxo

Are you tired of chasing clients for payments? You’re not alone. One of the most frustrating challenges is pursuing clients for overdue payments. Let’s be honest - asking for money isn’t enjoyable. It is awkward and uncomfortable, especially when dealing with valued clients. It is essential to have a strategy in place for handling these situations professionally. 

How do you remind clients about unpaid invoices without damaging your relationship with them? The key lies in your communication skills and approach. In this guide, we will explore how to remind a client to pay you. We will identify the pain points and offer effective strategies for prompt client payments.

The pain of chasing payments

Business operations flow seamlessly when a consistent cash flow is upheld. Overdue payments not only disrupt your cash flow but also consume valuable time in follow-ups. Time that could be otherwise spent on growing your business. You have to constantly send reminders, make phone calls, and follow up with clients for the payment.

Managing multiple clients with varying payment schedules can add complexity, making it even more difficult. Moreover, constantly chasing after payments can strain your relationship with clients. This could lead to uncomfortable conversations that jeopardize the longstanding partnerships you’ve built over time.

How to remind clients about an unpaid invoice

Effectively managing overdue payments often requires using different communication methods. Each has its strengths and can be used tactically to ensure timely payments, while maintaining good client relationships. Below are different ways to remind a client to pay you:

  • Email reminders
  • Phone call reminders
  • SMS reminder
  • Client portals

Email reminders

Email is one of the most commonly used methods for sending payment reminder messages to clients. Emails are less intrusive and provide a written record of the reminders sent. When composing an email reminder, remember to include the following information:

  • Invoice number and date: Helps clients identify the payment due.
  • Payment amount and due date: Clearly state the owed amount and deadline.
  • Friendly tone: Keep it professional yet warm to nurture client relationships.
  • Additional payment options: Offer various payment methods for prompt payments.
The table outlines the recommended timing for sending reminders following the payment due date

Phone call reminders

Phone calls can be a very effective payment reminder to clients due to their directness. Sometimes, a personal touch can make all the difference. They allow for immediate feedback and help resolve any issues quickly. Consider these key points when setting a phone call reminder:

  • Be polite and professional: Always start the conversation with a polite greeting and ask if it's a good time to talk.
  • State the purpose clearly: Explain the reason for your call and provide invoice details. Keep the conversation focused and professional.
  • Offer assistance: Sometimes payments are delayed due to misunderstandings or issues. Offer to assist in resolving any concerns they might have

SMS reminders

SMS payment reminder messages are highly effective for clients who are on the go. Keep these tips handy when using SMS for payment reminders:

  • Timing: Send reminders thoughtfully, ideally during working hours for better reception.
  • Keep it short: An SMS should be concise. Include the invoice number, the amount due, and a polite payment request.
  • Contact info: Provide your details or a payment portal link for easy action.

Client portals

The best way to send payment reminders to clients is via a client portal. It offers a centralized and secure space for managing transactions. It streamlines the payment process by allowing clients to view invoices, payment histories, and outstanding balances at their convenience.

Client portals like Moxo streamline payment processes and improve cash flow through automated payment reminder messages to clients, centralized invoicing, and enhanced communication. You can provide real-time updates, thereby simplifying payment management for businesses and clients. All of this by reducing manual efforts. Explore more about Moxo, get in touch!

You can integrate a mix of these methods to develop a robust payment reminder strategy that aligns with various client preferences, boosting the chances of prompt payments.

Tips and tricks: How to ask for payment professionally

Now that we've covered the importance of timely payments, effective strategies, and tools for payment reminders, let’s learn how to remind a client to pay you. Here are some ways to remind a client to pay you:

  1. Set clear expectations from the beginning
  2. Include payment details upfront
  3. Offer multiple payment options
  4. Be professional and polite
  5. Utilize automation to schedule payment reminder messages
  6. Send personalized reminders
  7. Provide real-time updates
  8. Set up incentives for early payments
  9. Consider implementing late fees
  10. Take legal action if necessary
  11. Refer to your contract details

1. Set clear expectations from the beginning

Even before you ask for payment from a client, set up clear expectations. Communicate your payment policies clearly. This sets a precedent for timely payments and can help avoid any misunderstandings in the future.

2. Include payment details upfront

Make sure to state the due date, the amount due, and payment methods in your initial invoice and reminder emails. This makes it easier for clients to pay without searching for information.

3. Offer multiple payment options

You can increase the chances of getting timely payments just by providing clients with different payment options. These payment options can include credit card payments or online bank transfers. This also shows that you are willing to accommodate their preferred method of payment.

4. Be professional and polite

Maintain a positive and respectful tone in reminder emails to preserve client relationships. Stress the importance of timely payments for your business. Keep a professional and courteous approach when following up on late payments to avoid damaging client relationships.

5. Utilize automation to schedule payment reminder messages

Automated platforms can make a significant difference in streamlining payment reminders. Consider utilizing these tools to save time and ensure consistency in your communication with clients. With software like Moxo that provides automated workflows, you can schedule payment reminder messages at different stages, ensuring that no client is missed and personalized reminders are sent consistently.

6. Send personalized reminders

Personalizing your reminder messages with the client's name can make them feel valued and respected. With the use of client portals, you can send personalized and automated payment reminders to clients based on their specific payment history and preferences. This improves the effectiveness of your reminders and increases the likelihood of timely payments.

7. Provide real-time updates

Using a client portal like Moxo allows for real-time updates on invoice status, giving clients visibility into their payments and reducing the need for manual follow-ups.

8. Set up incentives for early payments

One of the best ways to increase the likelihood of on-time client payment is to offer discounts for clients who pay before the due date. This can motivate them to make timely payments.

9. Consider implementing late fees

To encourage timely payments, you can include a clause in your payment terms that outlines a late fee for overdue invoices. This can serve as an incentive for clients to pay on time.

10. Take legal action if necessary

In extreme cases where clients consistently fail to make payments, it may be necessary to take legal action. Be sure to consult with a lawyer and follow proper procedures to avoid any potential disputes with the client. Also, inform the client about the same to avoid any undue surprises in future.

11. Refer to your contract details

If a dispute arises regarding payment terms, always refer to the contract details that both parties agreed upon. This can help resolve any misunderstandings and ensure fair treatment for both parties.


Timely payments are crucial for business success. Equally crucial is the delicate balance between finance management and client relationships. This is where Moxo comes into play. Moxo streamlines the process of reminding clients of payment, making it easier for you to focus on what you do best—running your business. With automated workflows, real-time updates, and personalized reminders, Moxo takes away the pain of payment reminders. Let Moxo handle late payments. Explore more and get in touch!


How to ask for payment professionally?

To professionally ask for payment from a client, start with a polite and professional email or phone call. Clearly state the amount owed, and due date, and provide a link or instructions for payment. Follow up if necessary, increasing the urgency slightly each time.

How can you effectively remind a client about a payment?

Reminding a client to pay can be done through email, phone calls, or SMS. Use clear and concise language, provide all necessary details, and always maintain a professional tone. Automating reminders can also help ensure timely payments.

What are effective strategies to remind clients about payments?

Some popular strategies to remind clients of payment include setting up automated reminders, offering incentives for early payments, and utilizing personal communication methods. 

What other measures can you take to secure payment?

If a client hasn't paid after several reminders, consider steps like adding late fees, discussing with a legal advisor, or involving a collections agency. Keep records of communication and refer to your contract to resolve disputes professionally and protect your business.

What are the benefits of streamlining payment reminders?

Aside from reducing stress and improving efficiency, there are many other benefits to streamlining your payment reminders with a client portal. Here are just a few:

  • Time-saving: Automated reminders eliminate manual reminders, freeing up time for critical business activities.
  • Financial stability: Streamlining payment reminders minimizes late or missed payments, bolstering your business's financial health.
  • Increased cash flow: Timely payments improve cash flow and enhance financial insight.
  • Improved client relationships: Automated reminders via user-friendly portals nurture positive client connections, reducing awkward conversations on unpaid invoices.