How to get bookkeeping clients

Ryan Forsythe, Content Marketing Specialist, Moxo

As new technologies are poised to disrupt the accounting marketspace, firms need to get more proactive in finding new bookkeeping clients. Luckily, with some know-how and tools your bookkeeping firm can easily get started with acquiring new clients predictably.

Many accountants and bookkeepers face challenges when it comes to generating leads and attracting new clients. They tend to prefer the quiet environment of their office, diligently crunching numbers for their current clients, rather than promoting their expertise to a broader audience.

However, when you run your own bookkeeping business, it's essential to find the time to market your skills, expand your client base, and grow your enterprise. Without proactive promotion, you risk missing out on significant revenue opportunities.

How to get bookkeeping clients

There are several ways to get bookkeeping clients. We have covered some of the major ones. The effectiveness of a channel will depend on your aims, budget and effort spent.

  1. Networking
  2. Referrals
  3. Online presence
  4. Content marketing
  5. LinkedIn
  6. Cold Outreach
  7. Partnerships

1. Networking

Networking is a powerful tool if you want to acquire new bookkeeping clients. It allows you to connect with business owners and decision-makers who might need bookkeeping services. Attend industry events, join professional organizations, and participate in local business groups to build relationships and spread the word about your services. If there is a niche that you are interested in then it makes sense to attend industry events for that segment. These events provide opportunities to build relationships and establish trust with potential bookkeeping clients.

2. Referrals

Referrals are one of the most effective ways to gain new clients for your bookkeeping business. Satisfied clients who refer your services to others serve as powerful endorsements. Encourage your existing clients to refer you to their business contacts. Consider creating a referral program that rewards your clients for every new client they bring in. This could be in the form of discounts on future services or a monetary bonus. Offering referral incentives has proved to be motivating for satisfied clients to recommend a firms’ bookkeeping services to others. 

3. Online presence

Your online presence acts as your digital storefront of your bookkeeping business. Building a strong online presence through a professional website, social media platforms, and online directories can attract potential bookkeeping clients. Ensure your website is SEO-optimized to appear in relevant search results for keywords your clients would be searching for. Include testimonials, case studies, and detailed descriptions of your services to build credibility.

4. Content marketing

Content marketing is one of the most efficient ways to get more bookkeeping clients. Focus on creating valuable content that addresses common pain points of your target audience. Blogging, creating e-books, and hosting webinars can position you as an industry expert and attract clients seeking reliable bookkeeping services.

5. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a powerful platform for connecting and attracting potential clients for your bookkeeping business. Optimize your profile with relevant keywords, share regular updates, and engage with your network by commenting on and sharing industry-relevant content. Join LinkedIn groups where your target bookkeeping clients are active and participate in discussions to increase your visibility.

6. Cold outreach

Cold outreach is a technique in which you reach people you have no prior contact to with the intention of pitching your product/service. It still remains one of the most effective ways to get more clients for your bookkeeping business. Reach out to potential clients via email or phone. Craft personalized messages that highlight how your bookkeeping services can address their specific needs and pain points. 

While cold outreach might seem daunting, it can be highly effective if done correctly. Research your prospects thoroughly and personalize your messages to address their specific needs. Highlight how your bookkeeping services can solve their problems and improve their business operations.

7. Partnerships

Forming partnerships with complementary businesses can provide a steady stream of referrals to get more bookkeeping clients. For instance, a financial advisory that doesn’t offer bookkeeping services might refer their clients to you. In return, you can refer clients who need financial advice. These partnerships can lead to mutual referrals and a steady stream of new clients for your bookkeeping business.

Maintaining strong relationships with your existing clients is just as important as acquiring new bookkeeping clients. By providing an exceptional client experience, you can improve client retention, more satisfied clients, upsell them as well as generate more referrals. 

Enhancing client experience with a client portal 

An efficient client portal can significantly enhance the client experience for your bookkeeping firm. By providing a centralized, user-friendly platform for clients to access their financial information, submit documents, and communicate with their bookkeeper, firms can streamline their operations and improve client satisfaction. 

Moxo, a client interaction platform, can help streamline communication and collaboration with your clients. With Moxo, you can offer a seamless experience by providing a single point of contact for all client interactions. This ensures timely updates, and reduces the friction often associated with traditional bookkeeping processes. It also offers clients the convenience of accessing their financial data from anywhere, at any time, which is particularly beneficial in today’s digital-first world.


Growing a bookkeeping business requires a multifaceted approach to acquiring new bookkeeping clients and maintaining strong relationships with existing ones. By leveraging networking, referrals, a strong online presence, content marketing, LinkedIn, cold outreach, and strategic partnerships, you can build a robust client base. 

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively promote your accounting or bookkeeping business, reach a larger audience, and ultimately increase your revenue. Building a strong brand presence and actively seeking new clients will ensure that your business thrives in the competitive financial services industry. Additionally, using tools like Moxo can enhance the client experience, ensuring satisfaction and loyalty. Improve your client experience now, get in touch!


How long does it take to get bookkeeping clients?

The time it takes to acquire bookkeeping clients varies based on your marketing efforts, networking, and industry demand. It can range from a few weeks to several months. Consistent effort and a well-planned strategy can help you attract bookkeeping clients more quickly, but building a solid client base often requires patience and persistence.

How can I get remote bookkeeping clients?

To attract remote bookkeeping clients, focus on building a strong online presence. Leverage social media platforms, especially LinkedIn, to showcase your expertise and connect with potential clients. Offer virtual consultations and highlight your ability to work efficiently with remote tools. Develop a professional website optimized for search engines and create valuable content that demonstrates your knowledge in bookkeeping services.

How can I safely store bookkeeping data from clients?

Using a client portal like Moxo can significantly simplify the process of collecting bookkeeping data from clients. These platforms allow for secure document sharing and real-time communication, ensuring you receive the necessary information promptly. Implement a standardized process for data collection, provide clear instructions to clients, and use automated reminders to ensure timely submission of required documents and information.

How can I get bookkeeping clients from home?

To acquire bookkeeping clients while working from home, focus on digital marketing strategies such as SEO, content marketing, and social media outreach. Offer virtual consultations, showcase your remote work capabilities, and leverage online networking opportunities through professional forums and virtual events.

How can I get more bookkeeping clients using LinkedIn?

To attract bookkeeping clients on LinkedIn, optimize your profile with relevant keywords, share valuable content regularly, engage with your network, join industry-specific groups, and use LinkedIn's advertising features to reach your target audience. Consistently demonstrate your expertise and build relationships with potential clients and referral partners.