How to get legal clients

Ryan Forsythe, Content Marketing Specialist, Moxo

Attracting and retaining clients is essential for the success of any law firm. Whether you're a seasoned attorney or just starting your practice, understanding how to get clients as a lawyer is critical. A steady stream of clients ensures the financial health of your firm as well as the reputation and growth. In this blog, we will explore effective strategies to acquire new clients as an attorney and enhance the client experience, ultimately leading to a more successful practice.

The importance of acquiring new clients for law firms

Acquiring new clients for law firms is essential for their survival and growth. Clients are the primary source of revenue and the driving force behind the firm's operations. Without a steady influx of clients, a law firm cannot sustain itself, much less grow. Here are a few reasons why getting new clients is vital for law firms:

  1. Revenue Generation: New clients bring in fresh revenue, which is necessary to cover operational costs, pay salaries, and invest in growth opportunities.
  2. Reputation Building: A growing client base enhances the law firm's reputation in the legal community, making it more attractive to potential clients.
  3. Sustainability: Regularly acquiring new clients helps offset natural attrition and ensures the firm's long-term sustainability.
  4. Diversification: New clients often mean new types of cases and legal challenges, which can help diversify the firm's expertise and portfolio.

Acquiring new clients is just the first step; keeping them engaged is equally important. An efficient client portal can significantly enhance the client experience. A comprehensive collaborative workflow platform can streamline communication and case management in law firms. It provides real-time updates and fosters trust, while also helping lawyers manage client accounts more effectively by offering clear visibility into case status and billing. Clients can access the portal from anywhere, making it convenient for them.

Having explored how an efficient client portal enhances client experience, let's now delve into practical strategies for attracting new legal clients.

How to get legal clients

1. Enhance client communication

Maintaining clear and efficient communication with potential clients is critical. Utilize platforms that enable secure messaging, video conferencing, and document sharing to ensure timely responses and personalized interactions. This builds trust and rapport, which are essential for attracting new clients.

2. Streamline the onboarding process

A smooth onboarding process creates a strong first impression. Automating workflows, incorporating e-signature capabilities, and centralizing document management can make the process more efficient and client-friendly, reducing friction and increasing satisfaction from the start.

3. Implement effective client relationship management

Tracking interactions and managing follow-ups with a robust client relationship management (CRM) system helps deliver personalized and attentive service. Detailed records of client communications and preferences enable law firms to cater to specific needs, enhancing the client experience and boosting retention.

4. Secure document management

Confidentiality is a top concern for clients. Ensuring that all client data is stored and shared securely, adhering to high standards of data protection, can be a significant selling point. This reassures clients that their sensitive information is safe, making them more likely to engage your services.

5. Foster collaborative workspaces

For clients involved in complex legal matters, providing collaborative workspaces can be invaluable. Real-time collaboration and project management tools help clients stay informed and engaged with their case progress, fostering a sense of partnership and trust with the law firm.

6. Enhance the client experience

A positive client experience is crucial for both acquisition and retention. Ensuring user-friendly interfaces and mobile accessibility allows clients to interact with their legal team conveniently. This level of responsiveness and convenience can set a law firm apart from its competitors.

7. Leverage digital marketing integration

Integrating digital marketing tools allows law firms to track and analyze the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns. By leveraging data-driven insights, firms can refine their marketing strategies to target the right audience, attracting more clients through tailored outreach efforts.

By applying these strategies, law firms can attract more clients and improve overall client satisfaction.

Optimizing the client experience

Moxo’s collaborative workflow platform is designed to streamline and enhance the client experience in law firms. Here’s how Moxo can help:

  1. Centralized Communication: All client communications are stored in one place, making it easier for both lawyers and clients to track and manage.
  2. Task Management: Assign tasks, set deadlines, and monitor progress, ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks.
  3. Document Sharing: Securely share and store documents, making it easy for clients to access important files whenever needed.
  4. Virtual Meetings: Schedule and conduct virtual meetings with clients, providing flexibility and convenience.
  5. Customizable Workflows: Tailor and automate workflows to match the specific needs of your firm and clients, improving efficiency and satisfaction.

By integrating Moxo into your practice, you can enhance client satisfaction, improve retention rates, and attract new clients through word-of-mouth and positive reviews.


Acquiring legal new clients is fundamental to the success of any law firm. By leveraging digital tools like Moxo, networking, offering valuable content, and providing exceptional client service, you can build a robust client base and ensure the growth and sustainability of your firm. Focus on creating a seamless client experience, and your efforts will pay off in the form of loyal clients and continuous referrals.


What is the primary benefit of using a client portal for law firms?

A client portal enhances communication and transparency, allowing clients to easily track case progress, access documents, and communicate with their lawyers. This convenience and transparency build trust and improve overall client satisfaction.

How does Moxo streamline communication between lawyers and clients?

Moxo provides a centralized platform where clients can communicate securely with their lawyers, track case progress, and access important documents. This streamlines communication, making it more efficient and effective. Get in touch to learn more.

Why is acquiring new clients essential for a law firm's growth?

New clients bring in fresh revenue, enhance the firm's reputation, ensure sustainability, and diversify the firm's expertise. This constant influx of clients is crucial for the firm's long-term success and growth.

What are some effective ways to attract new legal clients?

Some effective strategies include enhancing client communication, streamlining the onboarding process, implementing effective client relationship management, ensuring secure document management, fostering collaborative workspaces, enhancing the client experience, and leveraging digital marketing integration.

What makes secure document management critical for law firms?

Confidentiality is a top concern for clients. Ensuring that all client data is stored and shared securely, adhering to high standards of data protection, reassures clients that their sensitive information is safe, making them more likely to engage your services.

How can law firms enhance the client experience?

Law firms can enhance the client experience by ensuring user-friendly interfaces, mobile accessibility, clear and efficient communication, streamlined onboarding processes, effective client relationship management, secure document management, and leveraging digital marketing integration.

How does Moxo's collaborative workflow platform benefit law firms?

Moxo's collaborative workflow platform streamlines communication, enhances transparency, and improves efficiency through automated workflows. It provides a centralized platform for clients and lawyers to collaborate, track case progress, and manage documents securely, leading to a better overall client experience.