How to get consulting clients

Ryan Forsythe, Content Marketing Specialist, Moxo

Acquiring new clients for consulting firms is essential for their growth and long-term success. Maintaining a steady stream of clients ensures consistent revenue, helps build the firm's reputation, and expands its market reach. Each new client represents a unique opportunity to showcase expertise, deliver high-value services, and cultivate lasting relationships. 

Understanding how to get consulting clients can significantly impact the success of a consulting business. It requires a strategic approach encompassing targeted marketing, robust networking, and leveraging technology to enhance client experiences and streamline operations.

An efficient client portal can enhance the client experience. A seamless interface for managing client interactions, sharing documents, and tracking project progress provides a centralized platform for all client-related activities. This is essential for retaining current clients and attracting new ones. Even before you attract new clients, it is important which client is suitable for your business.

How to identify an ideal client for a consulting firm

Identifying the ideal client is essential for targeted marketing and efficient resource allocation. Ideal clients are those who can benefit the most from the firm's specific knowledge and skills, and have the potential for long-term partnerships. For example, a consulting firm specializing in digital transformation might find an ideal client in a mid-sized manufacturing company looking to modernize its operations with advanced technologies. 

By clearly defining and targeting your ideal client, consulting firms can focus their marketing and outreach efforts more effectively. Once you have identified your ideal client, the next step is to get a client for your consulting business. Let's explore various strategies for attracting these ideal clients and building a robust client base.

How to get consulting clients

Successfully attracting consulting clients requires a multifaceted approach that leverages both traditional and digital marketing strategies. Here are several effective methods to get consulting clients and build a strong client base:

  1. Networking and referrals
  2. Content marketing
  3. Public speaking and thought leadership
  4. Search engine optimization (SEO)
  5. Paid advertising
  6. Partnerships and alliances

1. Networking and referrals

Building a robust network is one of the most efficient ways to get new consulting clients. It opens doors to enormous new client opportunities. Attending industry events, participating in webinars, and joining professional associations can help consultants meet potential clients and partners. Encouraging satisfied clients to refer others can also be a powerful way to gain new business.

2. Content marketing

Business professionals are looking out for information to learn during the job. Creating valuable and informative content can establish a consulting firm as an authority in its field. Blog posts, whitepapers, case studies, and webinars are some of the best ways to attract potential clients.  Address their pain points and demonstrate the firm's expertise to build authority.

3. Public speaking and thought leadership

Leveraging platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook can increase a firm's visibility and engagement with potential clients. Sharing insightful content, participating in discussions, and showcasing client success stories can attract a larger audience.

4. Search engine optimization (SEO)

One of the efficient ways to get clients for a consulting business is to optimize the website for search engines. Optimizing the firm's website for search engines can improve its online visibility. Effective SEO strategies ensure that your website appears in search results when prospects are looking for the services you offer, ultimately helping to attract and convert these searchers into clients.

5. Paid advertising

Businesses are always searching for 3rd party solutions to help them. This is where investing in online advertising, such as Google Ads or LinkedIn Ads, comes across as an efficient way to get more leads. You can target specific demographics to attract consulting clients looking for specific services.

6. Partnerships and alliances

Forming strategic alliances with other businesses can lead to mutually beneficial client referrals. Partnering with complementary service providers can create a broader offering for clients and enhance the firm's value proposition.

Getting new consulting clients is one way to increase revenue. An efficient way to do this is to prioritize maximizing value from your current clients.

How can you best maximize value from current clients?

Retaining current clients is just as important as acquiring new ones. Clients are retained when you provide them an exceptional client experience. This leads to repeat business and referrals. An efficient client portal comes handy when providing exceptional client experience. Consulting firms can offer personalized and efficient service, ensuring client satisfaction and loyalty. Features like real-time collaboration, secure document sharing, and easy project tracking help build strong, lasting relationships with clients.

Moxo's solution includes advanced workflow automation capabilities designed to streamline routine tasks within consulting firms. By automating repetitive processes such as task assignments, document approvals, and progress tracking, Moxo ensures that projects progress smoothly and deadlines are consistently met, all without the need for constant manual oversight. This automation not only increases operational efficiency but also frees up consultants' time, enabling them to concentrate more on providing strategic insights and personalized solutions to their clients. Ultimately, this improves overall service quality and fosters sustained client engagement.


Acquiring and retaining clients is fundamental to the success of any consulting firm. By leveraging effective strategies like networking, content marketing, and SEO, and by using solutions like Moxo's collaborative workflow platform, consulting firms can enhance their client experience, attract new business, and build long-term relationships. Focusing on both new and existing clients ensures a balanced approach to growth and sustainability.


How can I identify the ideal client for my consulting firm?

To identify the ideal client for your consulting firm, look for clients who need your specific services, align with your areas of expertise, and have the potential for long-term partnerships. Consider factors such as the client's industry, business size, challenges they face, and their values and goals. This alignment ensures that you can provide maximum value, leading to successful and sustainable relationships.

What are the best ways to get consulting clients?

These are some of the best ways to get consulting clients - Networking, content marketing, social media, SEO, paid advertising, and partnerships.

How can Moxo's client portal help my consulting firm?

Moxo's client portal offers seamless communication, document sharing, workflow automation and project tracking, enhancing the client experience. Get in touch for a product demo.

Why is client experience important for consulting firms?

A good client experience leads to repeat business, referrals, and long-term relationships, contributing to the firm's growth.

How can I impress clients during the first pitch?

Understand their needs, present tailored solutions, and showcase your unique value proposition with a professional proposal.

How can Moxo improve my consulting firm's brand?

Moxo enhances your firm's brand identity, by offering a branded client portal experience. This showcases professionalism and innovation.