How to get clients for your marketing agency

Ryan Forsythe, Content Marketing Specialist, Moxo

Building a successful marketing agency hinges on attracting a steady stream of clients. Whether you’re launching a new agency or looking to expand your existing client base, knowing how to get clients for your marketing agency is vital. This blog will explore actionable strategies to attract and retain marketing clients, ensuring sustained growth and a strong market presence.

Why acquiring new marketing clients matters

New marketing clients are the lifeblood of any agency. They bring in revenue, enhance your reputation, and help diversify your portfolio. Here’s why consistently acquiring new marketing clients is essential:

  • Revenue boost: New marketing clients bring in essential funds to manage day-to-day operations, support business expansion, and maintain financial health.
  • Reputation enhancement: Expanding your client roster increases your marketing agency's prestige and strengthens your market position.
  • Business longevity: Regularly securing new clients for your marketing agency compensates for client turnover and ensures enduring success.
  • Project variety: Acquiring new clients introduces a range of projects, broadening your team's expertise and enriching your service portfolio.

Understanding the importance of acquiring new clients, let’s delve into practical strategies your marketing agency can employ to expand its client base and enhance its market position.

How to get marketing clients for your agency

Marketing agencies often know what they can do to get new clients. They usually do not know what they should do. Follow the tips given below to get clients for your marketing agency:

  1. Build a strong online presence
  2. Leverage social media
  3. Network and build relationships
  4. Offer free workshops and webinars
  5. Develop strategic partnerships

1. Build a strong online presence

Your online presence is often the first impression potential clients have of your agency. Ensure your website is professional, user-friendly, and optimized for search engines. Regularly update your blog with valuable content to showcase you and your team is an expert in your niche.

2. Leverage social media

Social media platforms are powerful tools for reaching potential clients for your marketing agency. Create your agency page on different social media channels, share relevant content, engage with followers, and use targeted ads to expand your reach.

  • Platform Selection: Focus on platforms where your target audience is most active.
  • Consistent Posting: Maintain a regular posting schedule to keep your audience engaged.
  • Interactive Content: Use polls, Q&A sessions, and live videos to foster interaction and build a community around your brand.

3. Network and build relationships

One of the best ways to get clients for your marketing agency is to network. Attend industry events, participate in webinars, and join relevant online forums.

  • Local Events: Attend local business meetups and industry conferences to make face-to-face connections.
  • Online Communities: Engage in online forums and social media groups where potential clients discuss their needs and challenges.

4. Offer free workshops and webinars

Hosting free workshops and webinars is an excellent way to showcase your expertise and attract potential clients for your marketing agency.

  • Educational Content: Provide valuable insights and practical tips that address common challenges faced by your target audience.
  • Follow-Up: Collect contact information and follow up with attendees to nurture leads.

5. Develop strategic partnerships

Forming partnerships with complementary businesses can lead to joint ventures and client referrals for your agency.

  • Identify partners: Look for businesses that serve the same target audience but offer different services.
  • Mutual benefits: Ensure partnerships are mutually beneficial, with clear terms for referrals and collaborations.

Client referrals still remain one of the effective ways to get new clients for your marketing agency. An existing client will only refer to new ones when they are happy with their own experience with your agency. It’s equally crucial to consider effective strategies for retaining them over the long term.

How to enhance client retention for agency

Attracting new clients is only half the battle; retaining them is equally important. Here’s how to enhance client retention:

  1. Deliver exceptional results
  2. Maintain open communication
  3. Provide value-added services
  4. Leverage a client portal

1. Deliver exceptional results

Consistently delivering high-quality work is the best way to keep marketing clients coming back. Set clear expectations, meet deadlines, and go above and beyond to exceed client expectations.

2. Maintain open communication

Regular and transparent communication builds trust and strengthens client relationships. Keep your clients updated on project progress and be responsive to their queries.

3. Provide value-added services

Offer additional services that can help clients achieve their goals. This could include training sessions, detailed analytics reports, or access to exclusive resources.

4. Leverage a client portal

Moxo’s collaborative workflow platform can streamline your agency’s operations, enhancing both client acquisition and retention. Here’s how Moxo’s Client Portal can help:

  • Centralized communication: All client interactions are stored in one place, ensuring nothing gets lost and everyone stays informed.
  • Efficient task management: Assign tasks, set deadlines, and seamlessly track progress to ensure timely delivery.
  • Secure document sharing: Easily share and store documents securely, providing clients with convenient access to important files.
  • Customizable workflows: Tailor automated workflows to fit your agency’s processes, improving efficiency and client satisfaction.


Growing your marketing agency requires a strategic approach to both - attracting and retaining clients. By building a strong online presence, leveraging social media, networking, offering educational content, and developing strategic partnerships, you can attract new clients to your agency and drive growth. Enhancing client retention through exceptional results, open communication, and value-added services will ensure long-term success. Integrating a client portal solution like Moxo can further streamline your operations and enhance the client experience, setting your agency apart from the competition. Get in touch to learn how you can enhance client experience with Moxo!


How can a marketing agency enhance its online presence? 

By optimizing the website for search engines, regularly updating the blog with valuable content, and maintaining an active presence on social media platforms.

What role does social media play in client acquisition? 

Social media helps reach a broader audience, engage with potential clients, and build a community around your brand through consistent posting and interactive content.

Why are strategic partnerships important for marketing agencies?

Strategic partnerships with complementary businesses can lead to client referrals and joint ventures, expanding the agency’s reach and capabilities.

How does Moxo help marketing agencies? 

Moxo streamlines communication, task management, and document sharing, enhancing efficiency and client satisfaction. Customizable workflows ensure that the platform fits the agency’s specific needs. Learn more.