How to get new clients for a business

Ryan Forsythe, Content Marketing Specialist, Moxo

The primary driver for any service based business is to continuously attract new clients. Securing new clients sustains the growth and revenue of the business. It also fosters innovation and prevents stagnation. Having a steady stream of new clients ensures that a business is resilient and adaptive. Moreover, new clients bring fresh perspectives and needs, which push businesses to refine and expand their service offerings. 

The process of attracting new clients for a business should be strategic and well-planned, leveraging a mix of traditional and digital marketing tactics. Building strong relationships, maintaining a positive reputation, and offering exceptional value are fundamental to establishing trust and credibility in the market. 

An efficient client portal can significantly enhance the client experience by providing seamless communication, secure access to documents, and real-time updates. It serves as a centralized hub where clients can easily manage their interactions with the business, fostering a sense of trust and reliability.

How to identify an ideal client

Before embarking on the journey to attract new clients, it is essential to identify the ideal client profile for your business. This involves understanding the specific needs, preferences, and pain points of your target audience. Conducting market research, analyzing existing client data, and creating detailed buyer personas can help in pinpointing the characteristics that define your ideal client. Knowing who your ideal clients are enables you to tailor your marketing and outreach efforts more effectively.

How to get clients for a business

Service based businesses can utilize multiple strategies to attract new clients. Follow the tips below get new clients for your service-based business:

  1. Networking
  2. Referral Programs
  3. Content Marketing
  4. Social Media
  5. SEO and Online Ads
  6. Collaborations

1. Networking

Networking is one of the oldest tactics to get new clients for your business. It provides the opportunity to meet potential clients face-to-face, build genuine connections, and establish trust. You can utilize several ways to network with your potential clients. You can participate in local events, build connections over LinkedIn, be a part of the community to network. By participating in relevant events, you can showcase your expertise and learn about the needs of potential clients, opening doors to new business opportunities.

2. Referral Programs

Referral programs are one of the most efficient ways to get new clients for your business.  They leverage the power of word-of-mouth marketing. Satisfied clients are more likely to refer others to your business if there is an incentive. This strategy not only brings in new clients but also strengthens the loyalty of your existing client base.

3. Content Marketing

Content marketing is evolving as one of the recent ways to get new clients digitally. It involves creating and sharing valuable content tailored to the interests of your target audience. Blog posts, videos, webinars, and eBooks can attract and engage potential clients, positioning your business as an industry expert and solution provider.

4. Social Media

Social media platforms offer a direct line of communication with potential clients. By posting engaging content, responding to inquiries, and participating in relevant online communities, you can build an online presence that attracts and converts followers into clients.

5. SEO and Online Ads

Search engine optimization (SEO) and online ads help increase your visibility to those searching for services like yours. A well-optimized website can attract organic traffic, while targeted ads can bring immediate visibility and lead generation.

6. Collaborations

Another efficient way to get new clients for your business is to collaborate with complementary businesses. These businesses usually have a similar target audience and offer products that compliment yours. This allows you to tap into their client base. By offering joint promotions or bundled services, you can provide added value to clients while expanding your reach.

To successfully implement these strategies, a comprehensive understanding of each method and its potential impact on your business is critical. While getting new clients for your business is a long process, you still increase the revenue from your clientele.

Optimizing client experience with Moxo

It is equally important to focus on retaining your current clients. By providing exceptional client experience through Moxo, businesses can enhance client satisfaction and loyalty. The platform's features, such as secure messaging, document sharing, and task management, ensure a smooth and efficient process, which can lead to repeat business and referrals.

Moxo is designed to streamline client interactions and enhance overall business efficiency. At the core of Moxo’s solution is its robust client collaboration platform, which brings together various functionalities into a single, user-friendly interface.

  • Secure Messaging: Moxo's secure messaging feature ensures that all communication between clients and your business remains confidential and protected. It allows for real-time conversations, minimizing delays and enhancing responsiveness. This feature is particularly beneficial for discussing sensitive information that requires a higher level of security.
  • Document Sharing and Management: The platform enables seamless document sharing, allowing clients to upload, download, and review important files with ease. It supports various file formats and includes features such as version control, secure storage, and easy retrieval, making document handling efficient and trustworthy.
  • Task Management: Clients and business teams can create, assign, and track tasks within the platform. This ensures that everyone remains on the same page and that deadlines are met, reducing the risk of miscommunication and improving project outcomes.
  • Real-time Updates and Notifications: This functionality ensures that clients are always aware of the progress being made and can provide timely feedback, leading to better collaboration and alignment with client expectations.
  • Client Portal Customization: Moxo's client portal is customizable to meet the branding and specific needs of your business. You can tailor the look and feel of the portal to reflect your company's identity, creating a cohesive brand experience for clients. Customizable templates and workflows allow for a personalized client journey, enhancing satisfaction and loyalty.

Moxo is designed to elevate client interaction through secure, efficient, and customizable tools. By leveraging Moxo, businesses can enhance their client engagement, improve operational efficiency, and foster long-term client relationships.


Attracting new clients is vital for the growth and sustainability of any service-based business. By utilizing strategies such as networking, referral programs, content marketing, social media, SEO, and collaborations, businesses can effectively expand their client base. Additionally, retaining current clients through a superior client experience using Moxo solidifies long-term success.

Implementing a comprehensive strategy that combines both client acquisition and retention can significantly enhance a business's success. Utilizing Moxo not only streamlines client interactions but also provides a competitive edge by integrating advanced features into your daily operations. As businesses adopt these multifaceted approaches, they create a robust framework for growth while ensuring the highest standards of client satisfaction.

Investing in both the attraction of new clients and the retention of existing ones forms a balanced approach that sustains long-term profitability and increases market share in a competitive landscape. By leveraging these strategies and tools, businesses can achieve sustainable growth and long-term success. Get in touch to improve your client experience now!


What is the most effective way to get new clients for a business?

The most effective way to get new clients for a business varies by industry, but leveraging a combination of networking, referrals, and content marketing often yields the best results.

How can Moxo enhance the client experience?

Moxo offers a streamlined client portal with features like secure messaging, document sharing, and task management, making client interactions more efficient and satisfactory.

What should I consider when identifying my ideal client?

Consider factors such as the client’s needs, preferences, pain points, and demographic information to create a comprehensive buyer persona.

Why is client retention important?

Retaining clients is less expensive than acquiring new ones. Happy clients can bring in new business through referrals and repeat purchases.

How do collabs help in getting new clients?

Collaborations allow you to reach a broader audience by tapping into the client base of complementary businesses, providing mutual benefits and expanding your reach.