Customer lifetime value calculator

Understand your customer's LTV with our free calculator. This metric is useful for any business focused on retention and long-term profitability.

Calculate your customer LTV

How we calculate your customer LTV

LTV = Average monthly recurring revenue (MRR) per customer x Average customer lifespan (in months)

What is Customer Lifetime Value?

Customer Lifetime Value (LTV) is a critical metric that represents the total revenue a business can expect from a single customer account throughout their business relationship. It considers a customer's revenue value and compares that number to the company's predicted customer lifespan. By understanding LTV, businesses can:

Identify the most valuable customer segments: Knowing which customers bring the most value over time can help refine targeting and build stronger relationships.
Inform budget allocation: With LTV insights, a company can decide how much to spend on acquiring new customers and retaining existing ones.
Plan for growth: Accurate LTV calculations are instrumental in forecasting revenue and scaling operations effectively.

Remember, the true power of the Customer Lifetime Value Calculator lies in its regular use. By consistently monitoring changes in your LTV, you can remain agile and responsive to market shifts, ensuring your business stays ahead of the curve.

How to interpret your score

Interpreting Customer Lifetime Value (LTV) goes beyond just calculating a singular number; it involves understanding what that number signifies in the context of your business operations and strategies. Here’s how to make sense of LTV:

  • The Scale of LTV: LTV is typically represented in currency units and reflects the total expected revenue a business will earn from a customer over their entire relationship. A higher LTV indicates a more valuable customer, implying that the business can afford to spend more on acquiring and retaining such customers.
  • Analyzing the Results: Once you have the LTV calculated, compare it against the Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) to assess the profitability of acquiring new customers. A healthy business model typically shows an LTV that is significantly higher than CAC, indicating that the revenue generated from a customer far exceeds the cost of acquiring them. This ratio can vary by industry, but a common benchmark is an LTV:CAC ratio of 3:1 or higher.
  • Segmentation Insights: Different customer segments will have varying LTVs. Analyzing these differences can help you tailor your marketing and retention efforts more effectively. For example, if one segment has a noticeably higher LTV, you might decide to allocate more resources towards retaining customers in that segment.
  • Strategic Decision Making: Understanding LTV at a granular level can influence decisions on product development, marketing, pricing strategies, and customer service enhancements.

Remember, LTV is a dynamic figure that should be recalculated regularly as your business grows, as customer behavior changes, and as you refine your product and service offerings. Keeping a close eye on this metric enables you to stay aligned with your customer's needs and your business objectives.