How strategic advisory firm DeFonseka reduced operational costs by 70% and increased client onboarding by 50%

The problem
Operating in Chicago, London, and Belgrade, DeFonseka needed a client portal for their global client base with an engaging digital experience and rigorous security standards to hold confidential information and to connect with their distributed workforce in different time zones.

DeFonseka, operating across Chicago, London, and Belgrade, faced significant challenges in managing client interactions and document workflows. They needed a robust client portal to offer an engaging digital experience while meeting rigorous security standards for holding confidential information.

Managing a global client base required DeFonseka to find a solution that could seamlessly connect their distributed workforce across different time zones. The use of mobile technology was crucial to ensure smooth, managed interactions with clients over mobile devices. The existing system, which relied on multiple disparate channels for communication and document collection, was inefficient and fragmented, leading to delays and potential security risks.

Additionally, the lack of a centralized platform for client interactions meant that DeFonseka's team often struggled with sifting through numerous email threads and attachments. This not only consumed valuable time but also increased the risk of missing important information or deadlines. The need for a more streamlined and secure solution was evident as they aimed to enhance their operational efficiency and client satisfaction.

The disparate communication channels also created a barrier to providing a cohesive client experience. Clients often had to juggle between different platforms and methods to complete their tasks, which led to frustration and decreased engagement. DeFonseka recognized the necessity of integrating their communications and workflows into a single, unified platform to provide a better client experience.

The solution
“What appealed to me right off the bat was that Moxo has bank-grade encryption. By bringing everything into one platform, it's very elegant.“

DeFonseka found the answer to their challenges in Moxo's collaborative workflow software. "By bringing everything into one platform, it's very elegant," noted Max Van Bel, Head of Managed Digital Experience at DeFonseka.

Using their Moxo-powered portal on both desktop and mobile, DeFonseka was able to offer their clients an efficient, branded digital experience. The platform provided digital project workspaces where clients and all stakeholders could focus their digital dialogue, eliminating the need to sift through email conversations. This streamlined approach made it easier for clients to engage with the platform and complete action items directly from their mobile devices, anytime and anywhere.

The onboarding process for clients became seamless, with workflows securely collecting and uploading required paperwork into secure data rooms. All conversation histories were available on a timeline, making it easy to revisit and reference past interactions. This not only improved efficiency but also enhanced the overall client experience by providing a clear and organized communication channel.

The result
“Thanks to Moxo, we actively manage 40 clients, averaging 3-4 interactions a week, by various team members. Deal flows are 4x faster and emails are reduced by at least 90%. We can definitely feel the difference.”

With Moxo, DeFonseka has been able to onboard 50% more clients, reduce operational costs by 70%, and cut down communication times by 6-7 hours. The overall team efficiency saw a significant boost, saving both time and money. The workflows provided by Moxo were particularly helpful, reducing the time required for gathering signatures from days to just one day through Video Meetups, acknowledgments, and e-signatures.

Moreover, by using Moxo to manage their client accounts effectively, DeFonseka's clients have seen the value of applying Moxo's capabilities to their own business structures. This has helped them address pain points, grow and scale, and improve their overall efficiency and revenue. "The conversations that we're having with clients are on our Moxo. It helps us help them become more efficient when they run their own business," Max Van Bel mentioned. "Some of them have said, 'Oh, I really like this. Can we use it in our business?' Moxo can really be applied and enhance the productivity or the overall efficiency of the company and the people in it."