How Gogo Mediation saved 2 hours of time per booking with Moxo

The problem
Gogo Mediation needed a streamlined solution for managing administrative tasks associated with their mediation and arbitration services.

As a nationwide alternative dispute resolution firm, Gogo Mediation offers mediation and arbitration services to help parties resolve disputes outside of traditional litigation. Despite the informal nature of mediation and the more formal process of arbitration, the firm faced significant challenges in managing the extensive administrative tasks involved. With the rise of virtual mediations during the pandemic, founder and CEO Ryan McFarlin had to navigate unfamiliar territory in handling video conferencing, document management, and scheduling, all without the assistance of an administrative staff. "I was dealing with not just figuring that out and how to be most efficient," Ryan explained. "It was taking 25 to 30% of my time just doing admin."

The complexities of coordinating schedules, exchanging documents, and ensuring confidentiality required a robust and reliable system. Mediations often involved multiple parties and their legal representatives, leading to numerous email exchanges and potential miscommunications. "You're dealing with probably anywhere from 15 to 30 email exchanges with a scheduling assistant," Ryan noted. Additionally, the firm was particularly concerned about maintaining confidentiality, recognizing that any accidental disclosures could cause significant problems.

Ryan's vision for Gogo Mediation included not just efficient processes but also providing an exceptional client experience. The need for a comprehensive solution became more apparent as the administrative burdens grew, impacting the firm's ability to focus on mediation and arbitration. "Here I am trying to build a business, make money, pay my own bills, so I'm trying to work 8 to 10 hours a day of actual billable time," says McFarlin.

The solution
Moxo's collaborative workflow software provided Gogo Mediation with a comprehensive solution to streamline their administrative processes.

McFarlin's search for a platform that could handle all aspects of their operations led him to Moxo, due to its seamless integration capabilities and comprehensive automation features. "What really sealed the deal for me was how much of a comprehensive integration that has with Zapier and automations," Ryan stated. This integration allowed Gogo Mediation to automate many of their previously manual tasks, significantly reducing the administrative burden.

Moxo's platform provided private workspaces for each client, ensuring confidentiality and efficient document management. This eliminated the risk of accidental disclosures and streamlined the exchange of documents. "Everything can remain confidential. There's no more 'Hey, where's that video link? I can't log in, I can't find it’," McFarlin emphasized. The integrated video conferencing, task management, and communication tools within Moxo enabled Gogo Mediation to handle all aspects of their cases in one place, enhancing both efficiency and client satisfaction.

The ability to create and manage tasks with Flows internally was another significant advantage. "We keep our Flows internal between the mediator and the admin staff," Ryan mentioned. This feature allowed the team to track the progress of each case and ensure that all necessary steps were completed on time. The automated notifications for overdue tasks further ensured that nothing fell through the cracks. "It's phenomenal. You know, you're not having to check up on each of those tasks individually," Ryan noted. The comprehensive nature of Moxo's platform transformed the way Gogo Mediation operated, allowing them to focus more on their core services.

The result
The implementation of Moxo's software resulted in significant time savings, increased efficiency, and enhanced client satisfaction for Gogo Mediation.

By integrating Moxo into their operations, Gogo Mediation experienced dramatic improvements in efficiency. The automated processes saved an estimated two hours of admin time per booking, a crucial benefit when handling hundreds of bookings monthly. "It's a game changer, frankly," McFarlin said. This time savings allowed the firm to focus more on providing high-quality mediation and arbitration services while reducing administrative overhead and labor costs.

Client satisfaction also saw a notable increase due to the streamlined and professional process facilitated by Moxo. The ability to provide pre-recorded informational videos and ensure seamless communication through private workspaces reduced client anxiety and improved their overall experience. "Our clients have responded very positively," McFarlin shared. The elimination of repetitive tasks and the efficient management of case files allowed mediators to focus on the substantive aspects of their work, further enhancing the quality of service provided.

The flexibility offered by Moxo enabled Gogo Mediation to scale their operations effectively. With the platform's robust capabilities, the firm could handle a growing number of mediations and arbitrations without compromising on quality or efficiency. "We can grow almost exponentially because of the platform," McFarlin stated. The ability to mediate cases virtually, regardless of location, also provided mediators with the flexibility to work from anywhere, further expanding the firm's reach and capabilities.

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