How QiWorks improved collaboration and reduced process length with Moxo

The problem
QiWorks needed a more seamless collaboration solution to support their digital marketing operations.

QiWorks, a results-driven digital marketing firm based in Bengaluru, faced challenges in managing collaboration among their dispersed teams. With specialists in different cities handling various aspects of digital marketing such as SEO and social media strategies, maintaining effective communication and project management became increasingly complex. Anil Govind, Founder & COO of QiWorks, emphasized, "For us collaboration is really the keyword in pretty much everything that we do. Even as you are building a brand or building collateral for that brand once the brand is defined, there is pretty much constant exchange of ideas on things that we are developing."

The firm required a scalable, intuitive platform to facilitate seamless interaction among internal teams and clients. The ideal solution had to be capable of supporting the dynamic needs of their growing team without imposing a steep learning curve. As Govind noted, “Improving collaboration was the driving factor for us in settling down on Moxo.” They needed a unified system that could streamline their workflow and enhance project efficiency.

Moreover, the firm sought to centralize documentation and communication, ensuring that all project-related information was easily accessible. This was crucial for reducing misunderstandings and delays in project timelines. The existing disparate tools and communication channels were not sufficient to meet these needs, leading QiWorks to look for a more integrated solution.

The solution
QiWorks implemented Moxo to create their branded portal, QiWorks Engage, enhancing collaboration and project management.

With Moxo, QiWorks launched their branded app, QiWorks Engage, which became the cornerstone of their improved workflow. This app allowed for seamless communication and collaboration by centralizing all essential documentation in one accessible location. Govind highlighted the significance of this change, stating, “100% of our customers are on Moxo today. It just makes it very easy for you to just come to this one platform and then see everything that's happening.”

The QiWorks Engage app provided a centralized repository, ensuring that all stakeholders could easily find and reference necessary materials and interactions. This setup drastically improved the pace of project completion stages. The integration also streamlined HR processes such as onboarding, utilizing automated templates to maintain clarity and consistency.

Furthermore, the portal facilitated uninterrupted and transparent collaboration between marketing teams, clients, and stakeholders. This allowed for real-time feedback and swift adaptations to market changes, ensuring that marketing campaigns were executed with increased alignment and efficiency. Govind remarked, “Because we now have one platform where our clients and internal teams interact, the time it takes us to evolve a project has definitely shortened way more than what it used to be, because the information exchange is pretty much instant.”

The result
QiWorks saw a significant reduction in business process length and enhanced collaboration with Moxo.

The implementation of QiWorks Engage led to notable improvements in how the firm managed its projects and client interactions. The centralized communication and document management systems ensured that all team members and clients were on the same page, fostering a more cohesive working environment. As a result, marketing campaigns could be executed more effectively, with better alignment to strategic goals.

The synchronization of marketing strategies and real-time feedback allowed for more dynamic and responsive project management. This adaptability led to more successful campaign outcomes and stronger client relationships. Govind observed, “Moxo has definitely impacted our overall timeline on the things that we do,” underscoring the platform’s role in enhancing operational efficiency.

Additionally, the use of Flow for role clarity and task management ensured that marketing efforts were precisely aligned with both QiWorks’ and clients' strategic visions. This coherence in brand messaging contributed to superior campaign performance, further establishing QiWorks as a leader in the digital marketing space.